Article 23215

Title of the article



Nekrylova Nina Valer'evna, Senior lecturer, sub-department of economics and finances, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Today risk management is one of the most topical and dynamically developing fields of enterprise management. Risk management is most actively realized in banking and financial spheres. However, representatives of the world business community agree on the fact that implementation of operational risk management elements into the management system is a requirement to provide tactical and strategic competitiveness of industrial enterprises. In the field of industrial enterprises the notion “operational risk” is not quite popular, there is no generally recognized definition of such a risk, and an amount of works and researches that describe the sain notion in a complex concerning industrial enterprises is low. Thus, the aim of the article is to research possibilities of identifying operational risks of industrial enterprises, to develop a line of management thereof, and to reveal an area of integration of such risk management into the process-oriented management of organizations.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research tasks was achieved through the analysis of integration capabilities of international standards into general management systems of organizations, particularly ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ВS 8800, ВS 7799, АА 1000, HASSP, OHSAS 18000 etc. These documents accumulate the world expertise in realization of management systems concerning quality, ecology, human resources, labor protection and industrial safety, system information support, rational utilization of premises, finance. The key role among management system standards is given to ISO 9001 quality management system standards, presuming a complex solution on business process risk reduction.
Results. The author considered the notion “business process risk” as a component of operational risks of industrial enterprises, described main elements and a line of business process risk management, and showed the fundamental importance of orhanization’s business processes as the main object of management in the integrated management system. It is proved that the base of integration is the ISO 9001 quality management system standards, promoting implementation of the process approach to organization management. The article shows a possibility of embedding business process risk management elements into the line of process-oriented management of industrial enterprises.
Conclusions. The management system is the base of business process risk management system formation. The process-oriented management is an integrator of all types of management, including the operational risk management. Expansion of the methodology of management systems for business processes’ operational risk management elements promotes more efficient functioning of these systems in organizations.

Key words

process-oriented management, quality management system, standard, business process risk.

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 14:02
Дата обновления: 12.10.2015 08:37